“How did I come to join a Jesus Caritas fraternity? While in Seminary (early 1980’s), a faculty member
gave a short presentation and handed each of us a Directory. This sounded great. As a deacon, I joined
a group of our Erie diocesan priests meeting five times during the year prior to the convocation, which
was the national Emmaus program. As a freshly ordained priest, I found my fellow group members unanimously elected to continue with one of the offered formats, Jesus Caritas. I was in the right place! Within seven years, I found myself invited by Tom Suppa, fellow fraternity member, to the National
Assembly in Denver. I also accompanied him on a whirlwind trip to New Jersey, New England, and New
York, visiting fraternity leaders along the way. Three years later, in 1993, I would make the Month of Nazareth, held in Denver that year, and was invited by National Responsible, Don Hanchon, to join his Council. How about you? Why did you get interested in Jesus Caritas? Have you been to a national gathering? (vacation, retreat, or assembly?) How have you interacted with other fraternities? We’d
like to hear from you and we’d like to post these stories and marvel at the graces the Lord provides!”
~ Fr. John Jacquel, St. Bernard of Clairvaux Parish, Bradford, PA